Dynamic functions
If you need to pass a value from JSX to your stylesheet
you can do so using a concept called dynamic function
To use a dynamic function, change your stylesheet’s value from an object
to a function
const stylesheet = createStyleSheet(theme => ({ container: { container: () => ({ backgroundColor: theme.colors.background, flex: 1, justifyContent: 'center, alignItems: 'center' } })}))
Now, you can pass any number of arguments, all with TypeScript hints:
export const Example = ({ maxWidth, isOdd, children }) => { const { styles } = useStyles(stylesheet)
return ( <View style={styles.container(maxWidth, isOdd)}> {children} </View> )}
const stylesheet = createStyleSheet(theme => ({ container: (maxWidth: number, isOdd: boolean) => ({ backgroundColor: theme.colors.background, flex: 1, justifyContent: 'center, alignItems: 'center', maxWidth, borderBottomWidth: isOdd ? 1 : undefined })}))